Author : J.K. Rowling
Genre : Fiction - Fantasy
Picked by : Siri
J.K. Rowling has created a magical world in her seven books. When a common little boy makes his first trip across the barrier to Platform 9 3/4, he enters a magical world that is Hogwarts. There in the magic castle, he meets the half-giant Hagrid, the old wizard Dumbledore and the sorting hat. Seven years of school; seven books - and you could pick any of the seven to read.
Genre : Fiction - Fantasy
Picked by : Siri
J.K. Rowling has created a magical world in her seven books. When a common little boy makes his first trip across the barrier to Platform 9 3/4, he enters a magical world that is Hogwarts. There in the magic castle, he meets the half-giant Hagrid, the old wizard Dumbledore and the sorting hat. Seven years of school; seven books - and you could pick any of the seven to read.
Bhags isn't blogging at this time but she comes out of her exile to write about Harry Potter.
Rachel made Harry's favorite Treacle Tarts.
Simran was travelling to Harry Potter's London and found some magical candy stores.
Siri made the very English Crumpets.
Srimathi brings the christmas magic alive with her Christmas Pudding.
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